Dancing Bee Equipment | Pallet of Unassembled Deep Box | Budget Grade
Pallet of 100 - 10 Frame Langstroth Hive Box.
Are you looking to expand your apiary, but don't want to break the bank? Look no further! We have just what you need - budget-grade unassembled deep hive boxes!
Our budget boxes are ready for assembly and a coat of paint. Each box is made from durable, lightweight pine. Don't wait any longer - get your pallet of Budget Grade Unassembled Deep Boxes today! With our low prices and easy assembly, you won't find a better deal. Get started on your project now before the warm weather starts! This deal is also a great opportunity for a group buy!
Dancing Bee Equipment Budget grade boxes offer great value for their price.
- Manufactured in Canada with white pine.
- Hive boxes are finger-jointed making them durable and long-lasting.
- Easy-to-grip handholds will make even the heaviest honey or brood more manageable.
51 x 42 x 25 cm
20" x 16-1/2" x 9-5/8"
7/8" thick
Proudly Made in Canada. 🍁
Pallet of 100 $16.50 each. ($1650.00)
Multiple Pallets Please Call 905-753-2623