ProVap | EZ 110 Commercial Vaporizer
FINALLY! A vaporizer you can use standing up!
No Caps, No Measuring, & No More Bending to Vaporize Hives.
Place the stem of the vaporizer in the front entrance. Then take the included capsule and dip it into the OA. The dampness of the OA will hold the OA in the capsule. Note: the capsule is constructed to hold 2 grams! Slide the capsule into the stem and place your thumb over the stem hole (this holds the steam from escaping). When the capsule descends to the heating chamber it will release the OA to start sublimating. The temperature will drop when that occurs. When the temperature again rises to 250, in about 20-30 seconds, you’re finished. Turn the EZ upside down to release the capsule to move onto the next hive.
Made from 304 stainless steel and comes in two connective pieces for easy transportation. You simply can’t buy a better, easier-to-use sub $2,500 vaporizer than the EZ. Named the ProVap EZ 110 because it has all the best properties of the original ProVap 110 and made the EZ the easiest vaporizer on the market to use. 110-volt electrical appliance, 500 watts, 4.5 amps.
Safety; you must wear a full-facepiece respirator that is rated for organic acids! Heavy, heat-resistant gauntlet gloves are needed as well.
Oxalic Acid Sold Separately
Want To See It In Action? Watch this video.