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Apivar 12 Pack | Varroa Mite Control

Original price $42.95 - Original price $3,685.50
Original price
$42.95 - $3,685.50
Current price $42.95

Apivar | Varroa Mite Control | Class C - Commercial PCP#29092

Varroa Mite treatments, including Apivar are a regulated Class C Pesticide under the Pest Control Products Act and Ontario Regulation 63/09
Class C Pesticides may only be sold to individuals who possess  one of the following:

A valid copy of at least one of these licenses will be required at purchase to acquire any Class C Pesticide treatment.


Apivar is the only Amitraz-based apiary product that treats successive generations of Varroa mites, reducing the mite population in the hive by up to 99% in one application. This 12-strip pack is perfect for the hobbyist beekeeper.

  • Active ingredient: Amitraz 3.3%
  • Two strips per brood chamber
  • Not temperature-dependent
  • 6-8 week treatment period

Apivar is a contact miticide, meaning it works when the bees come in contact with the impregnated polymer strip and distribute the miticide by contact with other bees within the hive.

It is recommended to treat all colonies with the same yard at the same time to prevent reinfestation. Leave the strips in place for at least 6 weeks before removing them. Apivar is not recommended for use while honey supers are on the hive.

Application Instructions:

Each 12 Pack $42.95
Box of 90 - 12 Packs $40.95 each
5+ Boxes  -  Please call for pricing (905-753-2623)

**Medication ships within Canada only**



Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Donna Junkin

Prefer Apistan but you are out of stock.I find the Apivar sticks are to stiff and once inserted often only one side is exposed for the bees to walk over while the other side is flat against the face of the comb which prevents full exposure to the bees.

Yves Laurendeau

Excellent service